Boost Your Health with Booster Foods

Jody has some great insights…

Chipwellness's Blog

sprouted-nuts-seedsBooster foods are foods containing a high amount of phytonutrients which are needed to protect us from environmental toxins (car fumes, cigarette smoke, water, household cleaners), heavy metal contamination (mercury, lead, aluminum, iron. cadmium) and free radicals which damage our body’s cells.

Below are some of the less known booster foods. Below are some of the lesser known booster foods. Our defenses can be optimized by including the following booster foods in our diet:

Seaweed Vegetables: Algae, kombu/kelp, dulse, arame, wakame contain magnesium, B vitamins, protein, potassium, omega-3 fatty acids, and trace minerals including iron, manganese, and iodine. Seaweed vegetables are a chelator (binder) and help the body remove heavy toxic metals. Iodine supports the thyroid. Add while cooking whole grains and soups. Spices – Garlic, ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, cayenne pepper, curry, mustard powder, nutmeg. Spices have anti-viral, anti-bacterial, antioxidant, anti-fungal properties. Replace salt with spices to reduce sodium in…

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Episode #9: “As Designed” vs. “As Built!”

The adventures of Teddy LC Bear!

Teddy loved sitting in on meetings with the architect, home owners and TLC Construction Contractors as they designed the 1,800 square foot addition. It was exciting to see all the ideas the home owners has been dreaming of for years come together with collaboration to create the design! The really neat part, thought Teddy, was this addition was totally unique – no one has one is like it and it had never been built before! However, that also created a challenge for the TLC Contractors.

There sometimes tends to be a difference between “as designed” and “as built.” The most common difference is the placement of electrical switches and lights. Even when remodeling, the TLC contractors “walk the space” with the homeowners deciding how they will use this new area; where they want the switches and outlets; if they want more than one switch to turn on a light; and how they are going…

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Teddy’s antennae are showing! Is it Teddy or his Martian twin?

The adventures of Teddy LC Bear!

It has been almost a week but Teddy still remembers a strange occurence. When he went to work at TLC Construction last Monday morning, his coworkers noticed something different. Teddy appeared to have antenna coming out of the top of his head! Was this really their Teddy or his Martian twin? Would he be able to work? Would he cause electrical interference? Would he tune into the Mars lander Curiosity instead of TLC work? How can what is learned on this mission help the construction business? There are so very many questions.

Teddy is fascinated by science and how it can help our every day lives in so many ways.  He was up very early last Monday morning to see Curiosity land – perfectly! In some recent research, Teddy discovered many things that have been developed for space programs have also been a great help to home owners and even contractors – cordless power tools; light weight…

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When should you call TLC Construction?

The adventures of Teddy LC Bear!

Teddy and the TLC Construction contractors help many families and businesses of all different shapes and sizes in a variety of remodeling and addition projects. Sometimes TLC is asked, when do we need to call a professional contractor? Teddy loves to help people (and bears – but they don’t do a lot of these kinds of projects) determine what is best for them and their situation. Teddy says – you need to call TLC when you don’t have the time, the talent or the tools. And Teddy also knows a contractor should have qualifications. So he tells them, you need to find a contractor who has expertise in the field, has seen many different situations; and who will help you sort through the details – telling you what you need to know, not just what you want to hear.

In every project, there are lots of choices to make. Teddy loves the…

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You must have a contact form on your business website

Oblique Ideas

Too many small business websites don’t have useful contact forms on their site.  Because of this, they are passing by opportunities to sign new business.

A contact form is the most convenient way for a visitor to talk to a business.  It is more convenient than two commonly seen alternatives — a listed phone number and a listed e-mail address. Why?

First, calling a business cold risks an uncomfortable sales conversation.  It’s possible that the business owner or employee will unwittingly force the caller into saying yes or no to doing business with the company — often permanently.  Well-written information sent to form-originated prospects educates without forcing a financial commitment from the prospect.

Writing to an e-mail address is difficult for some people because they don’t know who they are writing to or what information they should include.  For too many people, a blank e-mail triggers writers’ block, or at…

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Living on Fast Forward in Retirement

Encore Now

The internet has really captured me.  I started working with it because I like to write and now the ministry, that we participate in, has asked me to help with their  blogs and websites.  At sixty-nine years young, I thought that the task was overwhelming and then I got into it and found out that I was right.  The good news is that I have found people to help me develop the web pages which are beginning to come together and look good.  But, because of this activity my personal blogging has taken a back-seat and I really miss it.  So – here goes!

Being retired isn’t just sitting in front of the television, traveling, and feeding, the birds.  My life is full and busy.  I still do the normal things of taking care of the house and yard.  We visit my 95 year-old Mom and our kids.  The ministry…

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7 Keys to Success for Business Owners – Part 1

The Business Edge Blog

7 Keys to Success –  Many small businesses are stuck in a state of how.  If you are working hard at the right things, your odds of getting unstuck increase dramatically.  But how do you know what to focus on?  There are seven things that all successful business owners focus on to run their companies

I will introduce you to the 7 Keys to Success and highlight one of the topics in each of the next few blogs.  The 7 Keys to Success are:

Profit Plan
Marketing Plan
Organization Plan
Cash Flow Forecast

Vision:  He had been in business a few years when he asked me, “How do I open my second location?  I see 12-15 locations when I’m done, but I don’t know how to open that second one.”  I knew he had the hard part down already.  He knew where he…

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Stephanie leads an excellent example of blogging. One of her many interesting posts.

The Comm Entrepreneur

Almost one year ago, when I first started publishing ramblings about my ambitions, struggles, triumphs and personal philosophies around starting my own business, I had no real idea what I was doing. I wanted a platform to share my ideas, but to also keep me accountable for continuing my creative writing on a regular basis. And for me – this meant blogging. At that time, I had no real plan for where this would go, or if it would go anywhere at all. All I knew was that this was the first time I could really write for myself and not have the pressure to “perform.” This was a wildly new feeling which allowed me to access a whole new level of creativity and improve my own writing over the course of a single year by simply making me do it weekly.

While there is still much for me…

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Type 2 Diabetes on the Rise in Children

Chipwellness's Blog

A new study published in Pediatrics reported an alarming 23% of teens are pre-diabetic or diabetic, an increase of 14% over nine years. This dramatic increase cannot be attributed to genetics.  Today, 34% of children ages 12-19 are overweight or obese contributing to increased risk of type 2 diabetes.  This also puts them at higher risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, breathing problems, gallstones, and joint problems – chronic diseases commonly found in adults. A future of damaged blood vessels, kidney disease, coronary artery disease, eye diseases, increased risk of stroke, and a lifetime of medications is not what we want for our children.

We need to be aggressive in attacking type 2 diabetes in teens.  Start by shedding the excess pounds by reducing fat in the diet by eliminating fried foods and dairy products. Read nutrition labels on the side of packaged foods for total calories, sugar, and…

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Confident Image Associates BC


When I was first introduced to computers and the ‘internet’ (Back in the day, ahem) I was working in a local major corporation’s data center with a whole bunch of techies/programmers and software trainers. Language used I was not familiar with! I had a great resource at hand from 8AM – 5PM. Computer training, software training was available and I indulged to gain knowledge.

After being caught up in the net of one of many reoccurring ‘layoffs’, I accepted the position of General Manager, Gofer (go for this, go for that (^_^)), Secretary and Receptionist in my husband’s home-based manufacturers sales rep business. We purchased our first PC. Wow! We were ecstatic. Sorry IBM Actionwriter 1 Typewriter, you’ve just been replaced by bigger, better and faster.  We’ve come a loooong way since those days. I had to install a seat belt in my…

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